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Courtyards | Drainage | Cement | Pavers
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Job Information

  • A bedding mix of course sharp sand mixed with cement at a ratio of 5 - 1 is usually sufficient for pavers to be laid on for all walkways. This is spread and compacted before the pavers are laid.

  • Edges are always secured better if the pavers have been cemented on the outside edge.

  • Pavers should be a minimum of 38mm thick.

  • There are many patterns for laying, the three most common are stretcher-bond, basket-weave and herringbone. It is a good idea when you start the laying to start up against a string line, this will ensure that it will be straight.

  • A very fine sharp sand is spread over the surface to fill the joints.


  • The rumbled variety will allow weeds to grow between the joints. This is a character some people like, but some dont.

  • If the paving has been done on the south side or in a shady area, there is a tendency for moss to grow. This will make the surface very slippery, although scrubbing with bleach will kill the moss, its something that will have to be done regularly.

  • Some companies produce pavers that have been dipped in silicone, this seals them and stops them from being porous. These pavers are used around swimming pools, but they can also be used if the area you are paving is always or often damp. This will also prevent the moss growing on the pavers. You will of course pay more for them.

  • Like concrete the surface can become dangerously slippery when sand or dirt is blown on, so its best to keep it swept. Click here for D.I.Y. Pavers Section


Job Information

  • Gravel can come in either a pebble form or a crushed form, generally the crushed will be better as it doesnt tend to move around as much.

  • Always consider putting in road base under the gravel and compressing it as this will stop the dirt coming up through the gravel when it rains.

  • Gravel can come in many different colours so pick one that will match your house and landscape themes.


  • The main thing to keep an eye on with gravel is it spreading, this means regular raking the back into position. If the gravel is a crushed stone and not a pebble, the spreading will not be as bad.

  • Weeding is an occaisional necessity.



  • It is always advisable if laying sawn flagging for a court yard, to set the flagging on concrete. This concrete need only be 50mm.

  • Usually when laying split flagging, its okay to mix a sharp course sand with cement dust at a ratio of 5 -1 and bed the stones in. It is still important to make this bed at least 50mm thick. Once the flagging stones are laid, the area is hosed down so the mix will set. Then the joints are cemented.


  • The surface will wear fairly easy especially in salty areas, depending on how hard the sandstone is. Also, it will discolour and go darker, but in general theres not much that can go wrong.

  • Its also a good idea to wash it down often as the surface can go sandy and this can be slippery.



  • It makes the job easier if the stones picked for the work are fairly flat and even in thickness.

  • The options are the same as laying the flagging, accept if you decide to lay the stones on concrete it is normally done when the concrete is wet. This limits the amount of concrete that can be poured at one time. Normally the mix is made by hand so as to set the stones in as you go, keeping an eye on the levels.

  • The joints are usually cemented after as you have more time.


  • Usually not so prone to wear like the sandstone flagging as the surface of the rocks have already hardened, however because the rocks are not as uniform as flagging, the joints and the lower parts will fill with dirt quite quickly. This will spoil the look of the job and can cause some problems with being slippery.

Courtyards | Drainage | Cement | Pavers
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