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  • Ensure that all power cords are not frayed or damaged.

  • Dont overload powerpoints. Use a powerboard with an overload switch instead.

  • Place matches and lighters away from childrens reach at all times.

  • Clear your garden of dead leaves, branches, grass and general rubbish which will only encourage fires.

  • Keep everything at least 1 metre from heaters.

  • Have the chimney or flu cleaned and checked before lighting the first winter fire.

  • Always place a screen in front of the fire place.

  • Never leave a burning candle, oil burner or incense unattended.

  • Ensure all residents are familiar with how to use fire blankets and extinguishers.

  • Never leave cooking unattended.

  • Ensure that no curtains, tea towels or other flammable materials are left near cook tops, heaters or open fires.

  • Ensure electric blankets are turned off after use.

  • If you are storing petrol keep it outside your home in a shed or detached garage.

  • Store paint and other flammable liquids in their original, labelled containers with tight-fitting lids. Use and store flammable liquids away from sources of heat or flame.

  • Never smoke near flammable liquids.


  • Put in place a fire evacuation plan for the entire family highlighting evacuation exits, an outside emergency meeting point and at least two exit points from every room.
  • When two people have arrived at the meeting point, one should leave to call for help and the other should stay to help with the rest of the family.


Step 1 - Account for all people in the house.
Step 2 - Get down low and GO, GO, GO.
Step 3 - If clothes catch fire " STOP, DROP and ROLL.
Step 4 - Phone the Fire Brigade from a neighbours home.
Step 5 - If burnt, put the burn under cold water straight away.
Step 6 - Never go back into a burning building.

When evacuating from a fire, feel the closed door for heat before opening it. If its warm, take an alternate route. Dont open the door.


  • Install a smoke alarm next to or in each bedroom, and one on each additional level of your home. The "early warning notification" may be a lifesaver.

  • Always remember to test your smoke alarm every month.

  • Replace the battery each year and never borrow batteries from a smoke alarm.

  • Dont underestimate the importance of smoke alarms.


  • Ensure your kitchen has an easily accessible fire blanket and fire extinguisher.

  • Always turn pot handles inwards. Handles that stick out can be easily bumped or grabbed by children.

  • Remember, the kitchen is a dangerous area not a play area!

  • Never leave cooking unattended.

  • Keep appliances clean. Grease build-up may catch fire.


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