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Responding to Bushfires | Call '000' in an Emergency | Stay or Go | What to wear during bushfires | As Bushfire Approaches | When Bushfire is Close | As Bushfire Passes Over
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Stay or Go

Bushfires can be chaotic, noisy and frightening experiences. You and your family should consider the pros and cons of relocating versus staying on your property well in advance of a major bushfire occurrence.

Whatever you decide, plan for it before the bushfire danger period begins.

When action is required, follow your plan " lives are most often lost during unplanned, last minute relocation or evacuation.

Generally there is no need to relocate or evacuate provided the proper precautions have been taken. Being with your property can often make all the difference because spot fires can be extinguished before they take hold and cause serious damage. However only those who have properly prepared their property and are capable of working quickly before, during and after a fire front has passed should stay behind to protect a property.

When deciding whether to stay or go, consider the specific needs of your family. Does your family group include elderly relatives, young children, people with disabilities or illnesses which would place them at risk, or those unable to handle the trauma of bushfire? If so, you should consider relocating those family members well before the fire front approaches.

Organise a safe and suitable place for them and arrange for transport to that location. These measures should be properly planned in advance. If you have pets, you should also make special provisions for their safety.

You must evacuate if directed to do so by the Police. Police undertake evacuations with the advice of fire authorities.

If you decide, or are directed, to evacuate:


  • Close all doors and windows

  • Know where you are going

  • Drive carefully.

Responding to Bushfires | Call '000' in an Emergency | Stay or Go | What to wear during bushfires | As Bushfire Approaches | When Bushfire is Close | As Bushfire Passes Over
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