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Responding to Bushfires | Call '000' in an Emergency | Stay or Go | What to wear during bushfires | As Bushfire Approaches | When Bushfire is Close | As Bushfire Passes Over
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As Bushfire Passes Over

The safest place to be during a bushfire is inside a property well prepared for the event. You must remain calm, keep other occupants calm and continue drinking water regularly.

Move to the side of the house away from the main fire front.

Inspect the property regularly, keeping a particular eye on windows to determine if any have shattered and let embers enter the room. Extinguish any spot fires as they occur.

If your house ignites and you cannot extinguish the fire, crawl low under the smoke and leave the house as soon as possible after the main fire front has passed.

Ensure you and your family have identified two ways out of the house well in advance, and that everyone is familiar with the evacuation plan. This is also important for house fires. Once outside the house move to a cleared area away from the fire.

Responding to Bushfires | Call '000' in an Emergency | Stay or Go | What to wear during bushfires | As Bushfire Approaches | When Bushfire is Close | As Bushfire Passes Over
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